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Conectar, Ligar e Voar!
O Bose A20 é um Headset aeronáutico projetado para ser mais confortável e proporcionar maior redução de ruído do que qualquer fone já fabricado. E agora existem mais recursos do que nunca, incluindo: um áudio Bluetooth e interface de comunicação; ajustável controle de priorização de áudio; intuitiva operação "plug-and-play"; um microfone de alto desempenho e um cabo espiralado opcional. E com apenas 340g, ainda é um dos mais leves de Headsets com atenuador de ruído. Nenhum outro Headset oferece esta combinação única de características e benefícios.
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Transporte o seu Headset de uma maneira segura, prática e resistente. O Carry Case possuí uma alça de transporte e interior acolchoado para abrigar e assegurar seu Headset.
Garante o desempenho e nível de conforto de seu Headset Bose A20.
Este kit de almofada de lã suave, é de fácil substituição e ajuda a manter o seu Headset Bose A20® confortavelmente no lugar.
Conectar, Ligar e Voar!
Permite a utilização direta da energia da aeronave para alimentar os recursos de seu Headset, eliminando o uso de pilhas e garantindo, assim, maior conforto e econômia.
Cabo completo alimentado à pilha com conector G/A utilizado na maioria dos aviões e microfone de alta performance. Este cabo permite ao piloto e/ou ao passageiro controlar toda a experiência de comunicação durante o voo. Disponível nas versões com e sem Bluetooth.
Cabo completo, com conector Redel (6-Pin), permite a alimentação direta na aeronave dispensando o uso de pilhas. O circuito de carga juntamente com o recurso Auto-On permite o Headset ligar-se automaticamente quando seu painel de aviônicos é ligado. Versátil, combinado com o adaptador U174, pode ser empregado em helicópteros. Disponível nas versões com e sem Bluetooth.
Cabo completo, com conector U174, operado na maioria dos helicópteros.
Alimentação a pilhas, disponível nas versões com e sem Bluetooth.
A espuma do microfone reduz o ruído ambiente e ajuda a manter a pressão do vento de ativar o microfone. Extremamente fácil de instalar.
Compatível com o Headset Bose X e Bose A20.
Adaptador do conector de 6 pinos (Redel) para conector duplo G / A. Amplia a operação do Headset Bose A20 em diversos modelos de aeronave.
Medida do Adaptador: 21,5 "(54,61 cm).
Adaptador do conector de 6 pinos (Redel) para o conector U174 (helicóptero). Amplia a operação do Headset Bose para diversos modelos de aeronaves.
Medida do Adaptador: 21,5" (54,61cm)
Clip de roupa para teu Headset Bose. Use como substituto para Clips quebrados ou perdidos.
O Sierra oferece conforto, tranquilidade, e recursos avançados que espera-se da Lightspeed.
Possuí redução ativa de ruído (ANR) e conectividade Bluetooth. A construção em polímero reforçado garante durabilidade do Headset. A conectividade Bluetooth para dispositivos de áudio e ComPriority ™ enriquecem a sua experiência de vôo. Permite a colocação do microfone à esquerda ou à direita. Sierra é tudo o que você está procurando em um ANR Headset de baixo custo.
Sierra agora é compatível com o Flightlink, o primeiro aplicativo de gravação de áudio usado em um Headset, disponível para o Apple iPad® e iPhone®.
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Experimente o conforto e a tranqüilidade excepcional do Headset que estabeleceu a Lightspeed como o líder em inovação. Escolhido por pilotos privados e profissionais de todo o mundo, Zulu 2 é um triunfo na comunicação e conectividade de todas as outras características que você espera da Lightspeed.
O Headset Zulu 2 também transforma seu iPad® ou iPhone® em um gravador de voz no Cockpit através da utilização do aplicativo Flightlink, desenvolvido pela Lightspeed. Com Flightlink, pilotos podem gravar tudo o que acontece através do intercomunicador.
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Considerado o Headset mais silencioso, o PFX se adapta a teus ouvidos, teu ambiente e a tuas preferências para entregar impressionante clareza, silêncio e qualidade de áudio.
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O primeiro fone de ouvido de aviação Premium Wireless, o Tango une um excepcional cancelamento de ruídos, o reconhecido conforto da Lightspeed e a conveniência do wireless.
Sem cabos para ficar no caminho e com os controles críticos — inclusive volume e ComPriority™ — localizados no fone de ouvido, o Tango cria um nível totalmente novo de prazer de voar e liberdade sem amarras.
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Componente do sistema Wireless do Headset Tango, a interface de painel pode ser comprada separadamente do Headset permitindo versatilidade aos pilotos que operam aeronaves com diferentes tipos de conectores. Esta interface está disponível para conectores Lemo (6-Pin), Dual – G/A e U-174 (Heli).
Este Kit é composto por uma bateria de reposição, um rápido e conveniente carregador de parede para manter sua bateria sempre carregada e um adaptador Universal de tomadas. LightSpeed.
Almofada auricular para reposição nos Headsets LightSpeed.
Recomenda-se a substituição dos Ear Seals a cada 18 meses para garantir a performance e conforto de teu Headset.
Fácil substituição.
Espuma protetora de microfone para os Headsets Lightspeed. Fácil substituição.
Almofada para cabeça dos Headsets Lightspeed. Fácil substituição.
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Bolsa AERA-795
Proteja e guarde seu AERA-795 de forma segura, com o Case de transporte.
Manuseie facilmente seu AERA-795 usando este suporte montado sobre o manche da aeronave. Este suporte se encaixa a maioria das aeronaves convencionais.
Suporte de Colo AERA-795
Esta montagem vem com uma cinta de velcro para prender o AERA no seu colo. Recomenda-se sua utilização em aeronaves que não possuem manche convencional.
Mini Adaptador USB
Este adaptador mini USB converte conexões USB de cotovelo, 90 graus, para conexões retas de fácil montagem no painel da aeronave.
USB Cable
Tire o máximo proveito do seu AERA com este cabo USB. Utilize o cabo USB para carregar o dispositivo. Crie rotas e waypoints em seu computador e transfira-as para o seu dispositivo. Em dispositivos compatíveis, utilize o cabo mini USB para transferir fotos e músicas e transformar o seu dispositivo em um álbum de foto ou tocador de música.
Mantenha o seu AERA carregado e pronto para voar com esta bateria.
Flanela de limpeza
Remova manchas, sujeira e impressões digitais, de telas sensíveis ao toque com esta flanela de limpeza de microfibra. Ela vai remover o que não deveria estar lá sem deixar arranhões.
Comporte o seu dispositivo para fácil navegação com esta ajustável e compacta Base de Montagem. Inclui disco adesivo para instalar permanentemente o suporte no painel de instrumentos.
Manuseie facilmente seu AERA-500 usando este suporte montado sobre o manche da aeronave. Este suporte se encaixa a maioria das aeronaves convencionais.
Este acessório oferece funcionalidade dupla para o seu AERA-500. A base de montagem fornece energia externa enquanto a entrada de fone de ouvido permite ouvir chamadas de órgão de controle.
Precisa de uma carga? Use esta bateria para passeios longos quando você estiver longe de uma fonte de energia e não pode recarregar seu AERA-500.
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A câmera Virb grava vídeos completamente em alta resolução (1.080p), permitindo você reviver cada segundo de sua aventura na íntegra com alto contraste e sem distorções.
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Estes cartões de dados de navegação, 8MB e 16MB, são utilizados para atualizar o NavData na sua unidade GPS Garmin 400/500. Este cartão pode ser um substituto para cartões perdidos ou danificados, ou então, ser utilizado como um cartão adicional para os serviços de atualização Navdata Jeppesen.
*Não acompanha nenhum dado de navegação. As atualizações devem ser compradas separadamente.
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Specs: Physical & Performance
Transponder Features
Specs: Physical & Performance
Transponder Features
Specs: Physical & Performance
Transponder Features
Dados físicos e de desempenho
Funcionalidades de transponder
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
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The AXP340 transponder is a panel-mounted Class 1 Mode S Level 2 Datalink Transponder, with support for 1090MHz Extended Squitter (ES), that meets all the current requirements for Mode S elementary surveillance transponders for both IFR and VFR flight. As a slide-in replacement for existing KT76A/KT78A transponders, the AXP340 is designed to easily upgrade existing Mode A/C equipment to Mode S, while adding additional functionality like a Direct-entry Numeric Keypad, Pressure Altitude & GPS Lat/Lon readout, Flight ID entry, one-touch VFR code entry, an easy-to-use Stop Watch Timer, Flight Timer, and Altitude Alerter.
Meeting the Mandate for ADS-B
The AXP340 also supports the latest Version 2 1090 MHz Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) Extended Squitter, known as “ADS-B out”. Equipping with ADS-B Out will be required in most U.S. airspace by 2020. The AXP340, when linked to a suitable GPS receiver, transmits position information to appropriately-equipped ground stations and other aircraft. This provides improved airborne surveillance, provides vital information for airport ground surveillance, and is a key feature of future airspace plans.
The AXP340 provides an affordable and lightweight Mode S Surveillance and ADS-B Out solution for fixed wing and helicopter operators.
The AXP340 is a slide-in replacement for the venerable KT76A transponder, making it a great choice for upgrades, as well as for new installations. (Additional wiring required for ADS-B functionality.)
The Mode S Advantage
The AXP340 delivers 240 Watts of transmitter power, and responds to both legacy Mode A/C interrogations and to Mode S interrogations from both ground radar and airborne collision avoidance systems. In the Mode S environment (S stands for Select), a Mode S interrogator can selectively address a single transponder. This allows accurate position plotting with lower reply rates, which in turn reduces frequency congestion and interference.
Your 1090Mhz ADS-B Solution
Coupled with any of Avidyne‘s TAS600A ADS-B capable Traffic Advisory Systems, the AXP340 provides full ADS-B surveillance capability to meet the upcoming mandates for flight internationally and above and below FL180 in the U.S. The AXP340 transmits the required ADS-B Out signals including your aircraft’s GPS-derived position, along with ground track, ground speed and altitude information. The TAS600A provides ADS-B In, allowing you to receive the ADS–B signals from ground radar and from other 1090MHz ADS-B – equipped aircraft and display both ADS-B and non-ADS-B traffic simultaneously for optimal situational awareness and safety.
The AXP340 & TAS600A combine to provide complete 1090MHz ADS-B solution. ADS-B & TAS traffic can be displayed on a wide range of displays including Avidyne’s EX600 and MHD300 (shown here), providing the highest level of situational awareness and safety.
GPS Compatibility
Other Interfaces
All-in-one Transponder Solution for ADS-B “Out” and “In”
Meeting ADS-B equipage rules for NextGen airspace just got easier — and more beneficial — for thousands of aircraft owners worldwide.
With the introduction of the GTX 345 series of Mode S Extended Squitter (ES) transponders, Garmin provides a one-box, one-swap solution that enables owners and operators to meet ADS-B requirements with minimal expense, downtime and disruption to their panels — while providing all the weather and traffic benefits of ADS-B “In.”
Your Transition to NextGen Made Simple
The IFR-certified GTX 345 looks and operates like a standard Mode S transponder. It fits in the same 1.65-inch high slot in your avionics stack. It boasts a bright, sunlight-readable digital display, a pressure altitude readout, handy timers for approaches and other operations, plus dedicated pushbuttons numbered 0-9 for quick and easy squawk code entry. But where other transponders leave off, the GTX 345 is just getting started. The addition of 1090 MHz ADS-B “Out” transmission capability (using precise GPS-referenced positioning information) enables the transponder to automatically output the more accurate, more dynamic traffic surveillance data that the NextGen airspace system requires. Plus, available ADS-B “In” reception unlocks even more capabilities for pilots, enabling them to display ADS-B traffic, weather and more on a variety of installed or portable displays.
Your WAAS, Your Way
The extra-precise GPS position reference needed to meet the traffic monitoring requirements of ADS-B can be provided either by the WAAS/SBAS-compliant navigation system that you may already have in your panel — or by an optional built-in GPS position source available with your GTX 345 transponder. However your aircraft is currently equipped, the Garmin GTX 345 series offers a simple, minimally intrusive ADS-B solution to meet your needs. For even more flexibility, optional remote mount GTX versions are available for compatibility with the GTN™ 750/650 series of GPS/Comm/Nav systems, as well as select Garmin G1000® integrated flight deck systems — all of which provide built-in remote transponder code selection and control.
See the Benefits of ADS-B “In”
In addition to 1090 MHz ADS-B “Out”, the GTX 345 also makes available the subscription-free weather and traffic display capabilities enabled by ADS-B “In” — which can be interfaced with compatible cockpit displays or streamed wirelessly via Garmin Connext to our aera 796/795 and aera 660 series portables, as well as to tablets/mobile devices by way of the Garmin Pilot™, ForeFlight Mobile or FltPlan Go apps. The ADS-B weather link is continuously broadcast on the 978 MHz Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) frequency, and is similar to the basic services offered by leading commercial satellite weather providers. For example, you can access NEXRAD imagery, METARs, TAFs, winds and temperatures aloft, PIREPs, NOTAMs, and more1: Along with this, you can also receive ADS-B traffic position reports (and threat-level symbology) to help you see-and-avoid converging targets in busy airspace. Spoken audio alerts call out potential flight path conflicts (“Traffic, 10 O’Clock, same altitude, two miles”) to get you looking in the right direction. Meanwhile, on your display, Garmin’s patented TargetTrend™ relative motion display¹ offers a faster, more intuitive way of judging target trajectories and closure rates in relation to your flight path. As an added safety feature, available on most new Garmin products, our TerminalTraffic™ technology provides a comprehensive picture of ADS-B equipped aircraft and ground vehicles in the airport environment. ADS-B equipped aircraft in flight are easily distinguished from ground vehicles and taxiing aircraft, which are displayed using distinct colors and symbols. All of this information is presented on a simple, easy-to-understand SafeTaxi® diagram which references the location of runways, taxiways, hangar locations and more.
Dual-link Completes the Picture
The GTX 345 ADS-B receiver is a dual-link system. So, it can receive on both frequencies (978 MHz and 1090 MHz) authorized for ADS-B operations in the U.S. Not only does this provide the most complete traffic picture from aircraft transmitting on either frequency, but it also enhances your aircraft’s ability to access ADS-B transmissions and services from virtually anywhere. When integrating an active traffic system with the GTX 345, ADS-B traffic and active traffic targets are merged on the display to give pilots a truly comprehensive traffic picture.
ADS-B for Your Integrated Flight Deck
With a variety of compatibilities covering most fielded displays, our ADS-B enabled GTX series transponders offer the easiest NextGen upgrade path available from Garmin — especially for owners of select G1000-equipped aircraft. For these systems, a remote mount version, the GTX 345R, interfaces with either the aircraft’s existing WAAS position source for navigation or uses an optional built-in WAAS position source to meet ADS-B “Out” requirements. The G1000 series displays interface with the remote GTX transponder to provide onscreen squawk code entry and control in the conventional manner. Depending on the software version installed, your Garmin glass displays can also support subscription-free weather on the MFD — as well as ADS-B traffic targets on both the MFD and PFD displays for aircraft equipped with Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT™).
Alerting and Altitude Encoding Made Simple
For added situational awareness, the GTX 345 incorporates a built-in audio output for audible traffic and altitude alerts¹, which can be integrated into your existing audio panel. You can also pair the GTX series with an optional Garmin altitude encoder to satisfy data transmission requirements for IFR. As opposed to other transponders with altitude encoding built in, the Garmin altitude encoder mounts separately on the install rack. So, should the transponder ever require removal, there’s no need for the static line to be disconnected. Which, in turn, eliminates the need for a follow-on leak check — and thus helps minimize ongoing service costs.
An easier path to NextGen
The Garmin GTX 345 series is FAA and EASA approved for installation on hundreds of today’s most popular aircraft makes and models. For decades, Garmin has led in the development and deployment of ADS-B technology. And when you compare all the options available, it’s clear that Garmin is committed to making your transition to ADS-B operations as simple, economical and worry-free as possible.
Global Mandates for ADS-B will soon be realized and ADS-B will be used to overcome limitations associated with the current air traffic environment. The KT 74 supports the ADS-B OUT * 1090-ES improvements needed to optimize efficiency and situational awareness, within the Air Traffic System. The KT 74 is also a plug and play slide-in replacement for the popular BendixKing KT 76A/C and KT 78 Transponders. Along with additional trade-up values from Bendix King, the KT 74 is an economical upgrade path for ADS-B OUT* and more:
Built – In Value
Additional KT 74 Benefits:
* See Specification for complete Regulatory Compliance list
ADS-B STC (#SA00765DE) required. No FAA STC is required to replace an existing transponder with a KT 74 Mode S transponder [ADS-B Out must be disabled]. The KT 74 is an approved Class 1 transponder that meets the ADS-B functions of DO-260B Class B1S as well as FAA TSO C112c and C166b and is compliant with DO-260B.
ADS-B compliance just got easy.
The Lynx® ADS-B transponder and display systems offer a simple, affordable and highly capable solution to the FAA’s 2020 mandate. The award-winning and patented Lynx line of ADS-B transponders go well beyond the capabilities of a normal panel-mounted transponder, transforming cockpits and expanding pilot situational awareness.
The display of the Lynx system has been optimized by utilizing resistive-touch technology. With the swipe of a finger the unit can display traffic, weather and terrain. It is a great leap forward in display technology—one that can be updated and configured for almost any aircraft in any environment.
Lynx NGT-9000 series. One-for-all. All-in-one.
Designed as a form-fi t replacement for your legacy transponder, the Lynx NGT-9000 is your ultimate panel mounted ADS-B solution. In addition to being a new-generation 1090ES transponder, the NGT-9000 brings a host of additional capabilities into your aircraft including:
• 978 / 1090 MHz Dual-band receiver provides traffic and weather for any aircraft operating at any altitude
• Patented L3 Lynx Tail provides flight ID, aircraft type and the ground speed of other ADS-B traffic
• Intuitive full-color, resistive touch touchscreen interface optimized for cockpit environments • Full-color moving maps including TFRs, airports and NOTAMs
• Full-color graphical and textual weather displays
• Built-In interface and display for the WX-500 Stormscope® Lightning Detection System
• Built-in WAAS/GPS requires no external GPS connections
• ARINC 429, RS-232 and RS-422 output to easily interface with many panel displays
• Optional Class B embedded Terrain Awareness Warning System (eTAWS)
• Optional ADS-B Traffic Advisory System (ATAS) aural alerting capability announces position of intruder aircraft “Traffic, traffic, three o’clock high, two miles.” ATAS also surveys and warns in busy traffic patterns.
• Embedded NextGen Active Traffic option eliminates the need for a separate box • Wi-Fi ADS-B traffic and weather to flight apps like ForeFlight using the included hardware
• One Piece Receiver, Transmitter, and Antenna
• Used in the Rockwell Collins TWR-850 Turbulence Weather Radar System
• Mounts on the forward bulkhead
• 12" flat plate antenna mounted on the forward portion of the unit
• RF assembly consists of a solid-state transmitter and the receiver
• No waveguide is required
• Moves as a single unit as the system scans
• Base contains power supplies and processing circuits which perform the signal processing required to obtain detailed information from the signals returned from the targets
• Certifications:
o FAA TSO: C63c
o Environmental: DO-160B, F2/BBJ/E1/XXXXX/Z/bZ/ AZAZA
Avoid bad weather with the GXW 68, a digital color radar that brings easy-to-interpret, real-time weather to our newest multi-function displays (MFDs). Whether you choose the GWX 68 with a 10-inch phased array antenna or the companion GWX 68A with a 12-inch antenna, your new radar will fit easily in most aircraft radomes.
Track Weather
GWX 68 is a compact all-in-one antenna/receiver/transmitter that provides 4-color storm cell tracking to the GMX 200, G600, G900X or G1000. The system’s selectable scan (up to 90 degrees) and outstanding pulse range let you hone in on target areas with even greater precision. Full pitch-and-roll stabilization is available for smooth weather tracking during climbs or turns. And with GWX 68's side-view vertical scanning function, you can profile storm tops, gradients and cell buildup activity at various altitudes.
Make Informed Decisions
With 6,500 watts of magnetron muscle, GWX 68 has more than enough power output to penetrate serious weather. Consequently, you’re equipped to make smarter decisions sooner.
The Honey International WU-880 Receiver Transmitter Antenna (RTA) is an integrated unit which incorporates transmitter, receiver, and antenna into a single unit. The WU-880 accepts either a 12 inch, 18 inch or 24 inch flat-plate radiator with transmitter and receiver components mounted on the rear of the antenna. The remainder of the circuitry is contained in the electronics package which forms the RTA base. The WU-880 is designed for cantilever mounting on the front bulkhead of the aircraft with line-of-sight stabilization employed. The WU-880 incorporates all the circuits required for transmission, reception, signal processing, scan conversion, serial data and control interface. The WU-880 also interfaces with the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) and with the multifunction flight display (MFD). Additionally, the RTA incorporates the antenna positioning and control mechanism. The WU-880 generates and receives X-band high energy to detect weather and to map ground features. The size of the radiator (flat-plate antenna) determines the maximum range.
The WU-880 is used in the Primus 880 Color Radar System. This system is a lightweight, X-band color digital radar with display designed for weather location and analysis, and for ground mapping. The display for the system can be either a dedicated radar indicator or the radar system can be operated in conjunction with electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) and multifunction display (MFD) equipment. This system detects storms along the flight path of the aircraft and gives the pilot a colored visual indication of storm intensity. In weather detection mode, target returns are displayed at one of five video levels. In ground mapping mode, video levels of increasing reflectivity are displayed as black, cyan, yellow, and magenta.
The ART 2000 Digital Weather Radar offers a vertical picture of a pilot-selected cross-section of the storm, offering the best view available to general aviation. The simple press of a button allows you to analyze a storm segment vertically, giving you the information you need to determine the scope of the storm. Also, you can examine the angle of the cell's leading edge to determine direction of movement, monitor the tops of cells to see how quickly a storm is building, and easily distinguish between ground and weather returns.
The system is fully stabilized to +/- 30° combined pitch and roll, and antenna stabilization keeps your screen clear of ground returns during moderate aircraft maneuvers. You can choose between two antennas, a 10-inch or 12-inch, to fit a wide variety of airframe applications. The ART 2000 uses intuitive colors (green, yellow, red, magenta), and six ranges (10 nm to 40 nm) to depict the weather intensity, creating a clear picture of the weather and making it easy for you to avoid danger. The horizontal scan provides an angle of 100°; the vertical scan an angle of 60°. Using Sensitivity Time Logic, the system can correlate target distance with intensity, and its attenuation compensation reduces shadowing.
The system is fully EFIS compatible using ARINC 429 or ARINC 453 databus. It also features an MFD interface, fault annunciation, TILT readout on CRT and independent dual indicator operation.
Displaying lightning information at ranges of 25-200 nm, the Stormscope® WX-500 is designed to interface with most multi-function displays (MFD). With the WX-500, you can view lightning information directly on your MFD — either on a dedicated page or overlaid on the moving map. Even if your MFD already has datalink weather, nothing provides the accuracy and timeliness of a Stormscope system for mapping ALL lightning activity. The WX-500 lets you choose between strike and cell mode, depending on your preference. By adding the Stormscope WX-500, lightning information can be superimposed over datalink weather or radar returns (display dependent). The operating modes of the Stormscope WX-500 are controlled directly through your MFD or radar indicator (with RGC350), eliminating the cost of an extra controller.
• Up to 200 nm range
• Pilot selectable strike and cell modes
• Display of airspace in 120° forward and 360° surrounding views
• Heading stabilized when configured with compatible system
• Stores lightning data on all ranges simultaneously
• Strike rate indicator
• View lightning on multiple displays at the same time
• View on dedicated page or overlaid on moving map
Stormscope model WX-500 integrated onto typical MFD MODEL WX-500 STORMSCOPE L3 Lynx NGT-9000 ADS-B Transponder & Display System Garmin G1000, G900, GTN Series, GNS400/500 Series, GMX-200 Avidyne FlightMax, Entegra, EX500/600, EX5000, MHD300, IFD540 Select Radar Indicators (most Radar Indicators using the RGC-350) Apollo MX-20, UPSAT MX-20, Goodrich i-linc Cobham (Chelton) 3D Synthetic Vision EFIS Aspen Avionics Evolution Series Sandel ST3400, 3500, 4500 Moving (Map) Terrain MFD Bendix King KMD-850, 550 OP Technologies
Desenvolvido para a aviação de jatos executivos e linha aérea, o Proflight Series 2 dispõe de toda a tecnologia envolvida na eficiência para a atenuação de ruído na cabine. É extremamente leve, gerando mais conforto ao piloto durante o voo.
Simples e funcional. Super macio, é leve e dispõe do mais avançado microfone com cancelamento de ruído. reduzindo até 23DB.
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